Author: Family Law Texas
Lately, I’ve been focusing more on Women’s Martial Arts in San Antonio than on the bike.
I think it’s important to focus on Women’s BJJ in San Antonio and Women’s Self Defense in San Antonio
Lately, I’ve been riding Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday are in the gym.
My son does jiu jitsu at:
Valentine’s Day with Echelon Connect Spin Bike
Today was a blast. I rode a 45 Minute ride with Lindsay Gurry. I cannot explain to you the level of personality, energy, and craziness that these rides with Lindsay rise to.
Check out the link to a preview of LIndsay’s ride:
I burned over 500 calories in this ride. It was absolutely insane. The feeling of the muscles pumping and the mind just going mindless was amazing.
There is no better feeling than how the Echelon bike makes me feel.
Family Time
One of the biggest reasons I love my bike is that my husband and I can ride together. My husband is pretty beat up. Since the pandemic started, we have tried to make do working out at home.
During the summer, we attempted to crossfit and lift and do HIIT in the backyard, but as time went on, I wanted the Bike….. and then I wanted to get something for him so we could continue to spend time together.
I got him a recumbent bike to go with my Echelon bike. Most nights we ride side by side. I d on’t mean to be mushy, but its sort of important for our relationship.
Sometimes he will make fun of me because I squeal or grunt or curse while riding the bike. Sometimes he just makes jokes about how huge my quads are. Either way, the bike has brought up closer.
Today’s Rides – 12/21/2020
Today I’ve rode twice. I love Mondays. Riding on Mondays is important, I think. It sets a tone for your mood. It sets a tone for the week. USUALLY, I’ll do Nicole Griffin’s 45 Minute Cadence ride at 8am CST. However, the bed felt really, really good this morning. So. I hit snooze.
I got up and rode a 30 Minute at around 11am. I didn’t even pay attention to what sort of ride it was, I just hopped on with 4 minutes to go. I grabbed a sports bra and rode in my pajamas.
One way that I stay motivated is to go into the Echelon APP and selection 3 or 4 rides for that day. Anything that interests me. As the day goes on, the app will notify me 2 minutes before the ride starts. There are some days that the 2-minute notification is literally the reason that I get on the bike. It gives me that extra little nudge.
I rode a second ride today, too. I did Nicole’s 20 Minute Hills ride at 7PM. I finished where upper 50%, but I really hoped to crush it. I was distracted and let my mind wander a bit too much.
Tomorrow’s ride I plan on CRUSHING and putting in a bit more effort. I hope to get a 10:1, output to minutes, ride in tomorrow.
I think I’ll blog about that tomorrow.
Heading Lev
el 4
I bought my Echelon Ex-5s in June. This was at the height of everyone buying Pelotons and Echelons and Myx bikes. I spent about 3 weeks researching what I was going to buy. I spent HOURS on websites trying to compare and decide what I was going to do.
My brain is pretty analytical, and I knew that I did not want my husband reminding me of what a horrible choice this was, every single day…. so I went with the most economical choice while balancing out a few of the bougie features. I chose Echelon.
I ADORE my Echelon Bike. I regret NOTHING. I love having the huge screen.
It didn’t get delivered until the beginning of August, and I started riding immediately. I hit 100 rides at the end of November.
This blog will detail my path to get to where I am at with my spin bike… and be an outlet for me to keep my accountability.